ordinary rentals
into extraordinary


Through strategic renovations and carefully curated furnishings, we deliver higher rental rates and increased occupancy.
Property Evaluation

We assess your property's potential and propose tailored renovation and furnishing strategies.

Renovation & Furnishing

Our skilled team executes the renovation plan and furnishes your property to achieve our exclusive rental uplift.

Marketing & Management

We market your property aggressively, attracting high-quality tenants, and efficiently handle all property management tasks.

Optimized Income

Watch as your rental income soars thanks to our strategic approach and exceptional management skills.


Tailored Design Solutions

With a dedicated interior designer on our team, we offer personalized design consultations to transform your property into a design obsessed haven.

Professional Property Management

From screening tenants to handling maintenance requests, Deco Vaquero provides your tenants with impeccable hospitality.

About Deco Vaquero

More than a property management team, we are design-obsessed professionals. A Veteran and Female-Owned Business.

John and Colby Zeiser

John and Colby Zeiser have always had a keen interest in both design and real estate. In 2020, they moved from Southern California to Colorado to establish their real estate business.

Starting in Uptown Denver, they purchased and revived a 100 year old building into high-end, fully furnished apartments, nearly doubling rents. Next, they extended their vision to single family homes, meticulously renovating several properties in Denver and Evergreen, Colorado.

All strategically designed with the customer experience in mind, their personally managed properties have been received with rave reviews from renters.

John holds an MS in Real Estate from CU Boulder, and Colby is a lifelong artist with her own interior design company. Their 5 year old son, Owen, is a train enthusiast and loves kittens.

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